Our Latest News, Events, and Announcements!
Check back here often to keep up to date on all the things going on at Milton Christian School.
Click below to see a detailed List of Events or browse the Calendar to stay up-to-date.
Walkathon Update
Students raised $9,000!
Wow! Way to go MCS!! Thank you to everyone who donated and made a contribution. Students have been working hard to help raise funds for MCS and it shows – together we raised $9,000 dollars.
Fun Fair Success
We had an awesome day!
Our first ever Milton Christian School Family Fun Fair! It was nice to see so many people from the MCS and Milton community. Close to 300 people attended. Special thanks to Mr. Darryl H. for leading the Fun Fair team. Thank you to all MCS Staff, sponsors, vendors, and volunteers for making the day possible. To God be the glory!
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
Dear Families and Friends of MCS
On behalf of the Principal Search Committee and the Board of Milton Christian Education Association, I am pleased to announce that Mr. Howie Martin has been hired as our new Milton Christian School Principal.
Mr. Howie Martin
Mr. Martin has not only demonstrated his love of teaching but also embodies a passion for not only our heavenly father but for the children, students and community at Milton Christian School. Mr. Martin has said this about his tenure at MCS: “I remember the day I was hired as a grade five teacher at MCS, it felt like God had specifically led and prepared me to be here. Throughout my teaching tenure, I have grown to love this school, its students and community. I am honoured and thrilled to now serve as Principal.”
Mr. Martin’s passion for teaching is linked to his earlier experience as both a hockey coach as well as camp instructor. If you ask him, he will speak equally passionately about his experiences growing up and most fondly about how his bond with his brother, who has special needs, taught him many valuable lessons and planted the early seed for a blossoming educator’s heart. Mr. Martin earned his Bachelor of Arts, majoring in history and religion from the University of Prince Edward Island and his Bachelor of Education at York University’s Urban Diversity program.
Although he was raised in a loving, yet non-Christian home, the second oldest of five children, unbeknownst to him, his spiritual journey started when he was just twelve years old through a grade seven teacher, Mrs. McDougall, who prayed for him daily. In high school, Mr. Martin became a Christian through the kindness and influence of a close Christian friend, who later became his spouse, Cheryl. Currently, Cheryl and Mr. Martin have two children and they are eagerly anticipating their third. Their eldest Howie will be attending MCS in September.
Throughout the process of selecting our new Principal, the Principal Search Committee had several eligible candidates, but none shone as brightly as Mr. Martin. He espoused his vision for leading the school and is focused on bringing a high caliber Christian education that we expect at MCS. Mr. Martin acknowledges that leading by faith is about modelling the very behaviour Christ demonstrated in His years of ministry, serving those around Him and living out the fruits of the Spirit.
At the same time, we are also incredibly thankful for how Mr. de Jager served our school community in this interim period and wanted to let our community know that we will not be saying goodbye to Mr. de Jager, as he has graciously agreed to stay on for a few days per month, in a consultant role, to be a coach and mentor for Mr. Martin.
Please join me in thanking our Principal Search Committee for their tireless effort throughout this process. I would like to congratulate and welcome Mr. Martin as our new MCS Principal.
Elizabeth Oates, Chairperson
Milton Christian Education Association
What's going on at MCS
2018/2019 School Calendar
Here are the critical dates for the next school year for parents looking for child care coverage on school holidays and PD days.
August 30 – Meet the Principal and Board
(New Families only — 5:30pm-6:30pm)August 30 – Meet Your Teacher (6:30pm-8:00pm)
September 4 – First Day of School
October 5 – Professional Activity Day (No School)
October 8 – Thanksgiving Day Holiday
October 25, 26 – Professional Activity Day (No School)
December 24 – January 4 – Christmas Break
January 7 – School Resumes
January 18 – Professional Activity Day (No School)
February 18 – Family Day Holiday
March 4 – 15 – March Break Holiday
March 18 – School Resumes
April 5 – Professional Activity Day (No School)
April 19 – Good Friday Holiday
April 22 – Easter Monday Holiday
May 20 – Victoria Day Holiday
June 14 – Professional Activity Day (No School)
June 21 – Last Day of School
CLICK HERE to view a detailed list of events
Volunteer Opportunities
We need volunteers to help plan our upcoming “Masters” Golf Tournament on October 13 at Hornby Glen Golf course. If are interested, please contact Mr. Martin
Scholastic Book Club
Would you like to help inspire the love of reading in our students? We are looking for someone to help with Scholastic book orders. It runs from September to June — students and staff get amazing book deals! If interested, please contact for more details.
Pizza Days
We are “sumptuously” delighted to let you know that Pizza Days will continue next school year starting on Friday September 14th. $2 per slice of cheese or pepperoni pizza. More information to follow!
If interested in serving at Milton Christian School, please visit the Careers page and fill out the online form.
Resumes and related inquiries should be directed to:
Mr. Howie Martin at
Recent News
MCS Launches New Brand and Website!
Congratulations as they march into Grade One next school Year! The SK class had a wonderful graduation. Thank you to Mrs. Cree and all SK parents especially Mrs. Piri Darabont, Mrs. Nathalie Vanlandschoot, and Mrs. Elida Lacrosse for a fabulous event!
Grade 8
Congratulations to the graduates. Thank you to Mr. Martin and all grade 7 & 8 parents who helped to make the day special. Extra thanks to Mrs. Savannah Cahill for a spectacular event!
“We said goodbye to 11 amazing students. I have seen these students grow both spiritually and academically throughout their time at MCS. These young people will be dearly missed and we wish them all the best as they begin this new journey.”
Prayer Note
MCS Monthly prayer meeting will be off during the summer months. However, please keep praying for the new school year and all that God has in store for MCS. Pray for safety and an enjoyable vacation for students, families, and staff at MCS.