MCS is a community of faith where the foundations of educational excellence and Godly instruction are implemented. It is a place where students and teachers speak freely about God and His greatness.
Responsive Classroom
Exceptional education at Milton Christian School is imaginative, innovative and interwoven with our essential Biblical identity. An exceptional learning community looks to produce and engage with culture by turning our visions into actions, our ideas into products. One of the ways that we will accomplish this is through the essentials of Responsive Classroom. Responsive Classroom is an educational approach that focuses on the social and emotional learning of a child so that they can achieve academically. We also meet students at their learning readiness level. Our Differentiated Learning structure gives students at a variety of different learning levels a chance to thrive.
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction adheres to the belief and theory that each individual student should be educated to their own personal interests, passions, ability level and learning style. Rather than a group mentality that places large groups of students in a classroom and teaches them all the same thing and the same way. Instead, Milton Christian School values each student as an individual child of God, and educates them to their personal goals, progress and journey of learning. This is the reason MCS has small class sizes.
Differentiated Instruction at MCS: - Small class sizes - Project-Based Learning - Traditional learning strategies - Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing - Adaptive learning programs (RAZ Kids, Khan Academy Mappers) - One to one device/student ratio - Voice and choice - Independent and collaborative learning opportunities
In Science, for example, students learn that God created the world and everything in it, that He upholds the world through His providence, and that Christians have a responsibility to care for the world as stewards of creation.
In Social Studies, students are not taught that great leaders or social movements are solely responsible for the course of human history. Instead, they learn that God shapes history as a way of carrying out His plan for the world.
In Language Arts, students are not taught merely how to write effectively and spell correctly. Instead, they learn that language is a gift from God that can be used in a way to glorify him and benefit others.
In Physical Education and Health, they learn that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that God expects his people to serve him with their bodies. God’s words are spoken in the classrooms of a Christian school. His voice is also heard on the playground, in the hallways, in the office, in the boardroom, and in the community to which the school witnesses. In even the smallest aspect of the Christian school, it is obvious that it is an institution that nurtures students in their faith, equipping them to eventually pass along God's truth to succeeding generations.
~ “Focusing the Vision”, CSI (Christian Schools International)
Our Graduates
At MCS, our graduates enter high school with these skills:
Godly Instruction
Scriptural Literacy
Reading Literacy
Writing Literacy
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Basic Numeracy
Financial Numeracy
Statistical Numeracy
Cross-cultural Understanding
Global Awareness
Entrepreneurial Literacy
Civic Literacy
Health Literacy
Environmental Literacy
Oral Communication
Dramatic Communication
Media Communication
Information Literacy
Internet, Communications, Technology Literacy
Solution Fluency
Test Results
Learning made visible
MAP® Growth™ measures what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. By dynamically adjusting to each student’s performance, MAP Growth creates a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures performance—whether a student performs on, above, or below grade level. Timely, easy-to-use reports help teachers teach, students learn, and administrators lead.