Milton Christian Education Association (MCEA)
Membership Policy
1. The Milton Christian Education Association is committed to:
A. Making Christian Education available to Milton and surrounding area residents
B. Providing a sound academic education integrated with a Christian perspective
C. The participation of parents in the educational processes of the school
2. Membership in the Society is limited to those who can discuss and take on issues from a common basis of commitment and understanding. In order to make this possible, the conditions for membership are:
- Are of eighteen years of age and actively attend a Christian Church or Assembly
- Have read and are in full agreement with the basis, purpose and bylaws of the Association and commit hereby to uphold and promote the same as abbreviated below
- Will abide by objects and the bylaws and the resolutions of the Association and the directives of the Board of Directors; and
- Promise to pay the annual membership fee as approved from time to time by the Association
3. Membership in the Association confers the following rights:
- To receive notice of meetings, mailings, and information on the affairs of the Society
- To exercise voting privileges at membership meetings
- To participate in Association activities
- To serve on the Board and its committees
Theological Principles
A Unique Vision—Milton Christian School
We believe that the Lord God, by graciously giving us the Scriptures, has revealed to His people ordering principles intensely relevant to education, and mandates us to bring the whole Word of God to bear in all its power upon education; therefore we confess that:
- LIFE: We recognize God’s dominion over all human life, since God created men and women to serve Him everywhere. This requires us to educate our children for His service.
- BIBLE: The Bible as the written Word of God is the Truth by which the Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding of God, ourselves and the world, and the infallible authority by which He directs and governs all our activities, including the education of our children.
- CREATION: We can understand the world rightly only in its relation to God, because the world, in its origin, gracious preservation and ultimate restoration is the work of the Triune God, and since the glorification of His Name is its purpose.
- HUMANITY: We were created in the image of God to enjoy fellowship with our Creator and to reflect in our person and works the excellencies of our Maker, and were instructed to exercise dominion over the world in strict and loving obedience to God and to interpret all reality in accordance with His design and law.
- SIN: Sin is disobedience of God’s law; in Adam we abandoned our office and task, became estranged from God and our neighbour, and brought God’s curse upon the creation. As a result, we have become corrupt in heart and blind to the true meaning of life and repress and misuse the knowledge of God which confronts us in creation and in Scripture.
- JESUS CHRIST: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, of whom the Scriptures testify, is truly God and fully human. Through His atoning death, He has reconciled the whole creation to God. He redeems and renews the lives of all those who believe in Him and gives them His Spirit in every way to live for God and their neighbour by His Word and Spirit. He redirects our understanding so that we may truly know God, ourselves, and the world.
- THE KINGDOM OF GOD: The Kingdom of God is His present and future, righteous and universal reign through Jesus Christ. This reign of grace and power makes education possible and meaningful. In obedience to Christ we submit in every area of life to His commandment to love the Lord with all our heart and mind, to love our neighbour as ourselves.
- PURPOSE OF EDUCATION: The purpose of Christian education is to direct and guide children to commit his or her heart to Christ the Truth; to attain to understanding, wisdom and righteousness; to develop the gifts God has given each one of them; to perform their competent and responsible service to the Lord in church, state and association.
- PARENTS: God has given parents the responsibility to nurture and educate their children. Therefore, the Christian community should establish and maintain Christian schools.
- THE STUDENT: The student as child, entrusted by God to parents, needs order, instruction and correction. Children of Christian parents should have a fuller understanding of the promises and demands of the Gospel. Therefore they ought to receive Christian education.
- THE TEACHER: Christian teachers, both in obedience to God and in cooperation with parents, have a unique teaching responsibility while educating the child in the school. Their conduct and lifestyle must be that of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
- THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: The Christian school established and controlled by an association of Christian believers, in accordance with legitimate standards and provisions, possesses the freedom to function in education in total and voluntary submission to Christ the King.
Committed to
Making Christian Education available to Milton and surrounding area residents.
A Unique Vision
We believe that the Lord God, by graciously giving us the Scriptures, has revealed to His people ordering principles intensely relevant to education, and mandates us to bring the whole Word of God to bear in all its power upon education.