
COVID-19 Policies and guidelines


Frequently Asked Questions for COVID-19

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

If my child has COVID-19 symptom(s), what should I do?

  • Inform the school of the symptom(s) and that he/she will be staying home

  • Speak to a doctor so they can recommend next steps and whether your child should have a COVID-19 test. Consider finding a virtual care option online if that may be easier than an in-person visit.

Should I keep siblings home?

  • Yes.  Please keep all members of a family home if there is a symptom of COVID-19 in your home

What happens if parents have symptoms?

  • We are asking that if anyone in your home has symptoms, you keep everyone home until symptom free for 24 hours.  

When can I send my child to school?

  • If your doctor says that no COVID-19 test is needed, you can send your child to school after no symptoms for 24 hours and inform the school of the information provided by the doctor.

  • If a COVID-19 test is required, please get the test and wait for the results.  

    • If positive, a public health inspector will contact you and the school to give directions

    • If negative, please wait until there are no symptoms for 24 hours

What about seasonal allergies?

  • We are trusting parents to know your children and their allergies.  If it is a typical symptom that you see every year, it is okay to send them.  However, if it is worse than what you'd typically see or combined with another symptom, please keep your children home, and speak to a doctor.

How can I access my child's teacher's Zoom account for online learning?

  • Your child's teacher will send the link every week in their weekly newsletter.

  • If you need to request the link again, please email Mrs. O as our teachers will be busy teaching.  Mrs. O has all the teachers links and can send to you.  

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Weekly at-home learning tracker

Download this template to help your child set and achieve at-home learning goals during the current lockdown. Print, and then write subject names on the row labels to award “checks” for each day that subject is complete. Work with your child to set realistic weekly goals and have a celebratory activity or item ready when that goal is achieved by the end of the week

Thank you for following protocol and keeping children home if they have symptoms. Questions about what to do if your child does have 1 or more symptoms of COVID-19 are answered on this page.